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Where Are We Going With This?
For the last 500 posts, I’ve tried to tie this blog to things involving
education (and sometimes faith). Life stories, books read, places traveled;
all com...
Powerful Search Inside the Google Photos App
I love taking pictures, but that translates easily to the idea that I have
a ton of photos. I'm taking advantage of my unlimited storage available in
our G...
Five for Friday - Resources I Just Had to Share
This week while working on the resources for the monthly Digital Teacher
Challenge in my district, I spent some time digging into Apps. Our theme
for Febr...
An Intentional Reminder
So in my last post I created a list of action steps to "practice" as I move I again try to boost my momentum on this Journey. In an effort
Howard Martin edited SideBar
Howard J Martin
7104 Berkman Dr.
InstructionalSkyline Technology BuildingBldg
Austin Independent School District
1949 South IH35
Austin, Texas 78752
Blogging Workshop Updated
I have the honor of working with teachers in Seguin, Texas this week. My
law-making friend, Mr. Murphy, comes through again by having Edublogs do a
What a beautiful sunset that picture is. I imagine that it makes the hike even better. -AntVee
LOVE this pic!
LOVE this pic!